My current home lab consists of 6 Linux servers, dual redundant OPNsense routers, 8 VLANS, an enterprise grade 10g fiber network, and countless containerized local services. I also operate my own email server, which is not nearly as simple to do as it used to be 15-20 years ago, but it is still a fun challenge!

I have a RTX 3060 12GB in one of my Linux servers (starfox) that I use for ML acceleration for a variety of purposes including security, family history, and just general ML fun.

Pictures below show the current state of the lab. This is without a doubt the cleanest lab I have ever had setup. There is still a ton I want to do with it, and lots of ethernet and fiber drops I need to put in the house, but as of this writing, its summer in southeast Georgia and I don’t want to stroke out in the attic from heat.

Lab pic 1 - 2024-07-19 Lab pic 2 - 2024-07-19

Hardware and System List



Network services / Daemons

ML Models

Previous Tech

This is a non-exhaustive list of things I have previously ran in my lab but do not currently use.